Roses are shrub plants belonging to the Rosaceae family, sometimes climbing plants with spiny stems and alternate leaves.
They are famous for the scent and purity, each variety has different meanings and women adore receiving them as a gesture of love.
The simplest system for propagating roses is without doubt the multiplication by cutting, because this technique is simple and also can be applied with good results to almost all rose species.
The best time to multiply the roses with the cutting technique is between the last weeks of August and the beginning of September, but sometimes it lasts until October.
The cuttings are taken from a semi-lignified branch, they must have a minimum length around 10-15 cm, be quite sturdy and without leaves.
Then it is necessary to develop the roots, essential to make the plant take root during the transplant phase.
Checchi & Magli has a long experience in the field of roses, lavender, sweet potato, frigo strawberry plants and any other type of bare root plants or cutting, which must be planted by a finger transplanter.
Transplanter Foxdrive Plus
The ideal machine for this type of cultures is the gripper transplanter FOXDRIVE PLUS 4 rows with the following planting layout: distance between rows 90 cm and plant to plant spacing about 20 cm.
The planting boxes in front of the operators contain the cuttings. The rear discs cannot miss, as the cuttings must be covered by the ground to favor a faster rooting.
There are many accessories to customize the machines including packing wheels in rubber for damp and clayey soils and the front disc for cutting residues.
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